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Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

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Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

Metal Chalices Patens and Ciboria: silver chalices with gold-plated cup for the most important liturgical celebrations. Chalices, patens and ciboria in different styles and sizes.

In this category you will find more than 700 different types of chalices, ciboriums or patens and traveling chalices. Thanks to the filters on the left you can quickly choose whether to display the chalices, ciboria or patens. You can also choose the style and brand: chalices, patens or ciboriums by Forma Fluens or Molina.

You can also find the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Chalice with gold crystals and chalice holder, along with other useful accessories, in the special category of Jubilee 2025 Church and Liturgy Items.

    1269 ProductsShow
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    60 items
    Chalice, ciborium and paten loaves and fish
    Chalice, ciborium and paten loaves and fish
    Starting at  $ 654.32
    Chalice and ciborium silver plated brass
    Chalice and ciborium silver plated brass
    Starting at  $ 1,219.91
    Chalice, ciborium and paten silver plated brass
    Chalice, ciborium and paten silver plated brass
    Starting at  $ 632.14
    Chalice, ciborium and paten with ears of wheat, crosses and grap
    Chalice, ciborium and paten with ears of wheat, crosses and grap
    Starting at  $ 586.67
    Chalice with floral decorations
    Upon request
    $ 1,319.72
    Chalice with oblique petals
    Upon request
    $ 1,097.92
    Chalice and ciborium with IHS and the good shepherd
    Starting at  $ 1,097.92
    Chalice and paten oblations
    Chalice and paten oblations
    On backorder
    Starting at  $ 797.38
    Chalice and paten
    Chalice and paten
    Starting at  $ 632.14
    Chalice, ciborium and paten with Celtic cross
    Chalice, ciborium and paten with Celtic cross
    Starting at  $ 1,219.91
    Chalice and paten Last Supper
    Chalice and paten Last Supper
    Starting at  $ 897.19
    Mass paten with arch decorations
    Upon request
    $ 830.65
    Chalice, ciborium and paten 12 apostles
    Chalice, ciborium and paten 12 apostles
    Starting at  $ 597.76
    Chalice and ciborium with leaves and Celtic cross
    Chalice and ciborium with leaves and Celtic cross
    Starting at  $ 1,541.52
    Bowl paten with chiseled celtic cross
    On backorder
    $ 1,052.45
    Chalice and ciborium with chiseled celtic cross
    Chalice and ciborium with chiseled celtic cross
    Upon request
    Starting at  $ 1,541.52
    Chalice and ciborium glass cross
    Chalice and ciborium glass cross
    Starting at  $ 1,097.92
    Chalice and ciborium baptism, last supper, Jerusalem
    Chalice and ciborium baptism, last supper, Jerusalem
    Upon request
    Starting at  $ 1,219.91
    Paten in golden brass
    Paten in golden brass
    $ 165.24
    Ciborium in golden brass cross and rays
    Ciborium in golden brass cross and rays
    Upon request
    $ 841.74
    Ciborium bread basket
    Ciborium bread basket
    Upon request
    $ 586.67
    IHS Ciborium golden brass
    IHS Ciborium golden brass
    $ 664.30
    Chalice with chiseled petals
    Chalice with chiseled petals
    Upon request
    $ 1,319.72
    Chalice with stones
    Chalice with stones
    $ 719.75
    Chalice garden of Gethsemane
    Chalice garden of Gethsemane
    Upon request
    $ 1,319.72
    Chalice gold plated lily and ears of wheat
    Chalice gold plated lily and ears of wheat
    $ 1,097.92
    Chalice and ciborium 800 silver, Apostles Evangelists
    Chalice and ciborium 800 silver, Apostles Evangelists
    Starting at  $ 5,434.15
    Chalice and ciborium gold-plated cross
    Chalice and ciborium gold-plated cross
    Starting at  $ 287.23
    Chalice and ciborium brass satin finish
    Chalice and ciborium brass satin finish
    Starting at  $ 242.87
    Chalice and ciborium red cross
    Chalice and ciborium red cross
    Starting at  $ 387.04
    Chalice and ciborium Our Lady
    Chalice and ciborium Our Lady
    Starting at  $ 1,075.74
    Chalice and ciborium cross silver brass satin
    Chalice and ciborium cross silver brass satin
    Starting at  $ 387.04
    Chalice and ciborium Evangelist symbols brass
    Chalice and ciborium Evangelist symbols brass
    Starting at  $ 442.49
    Chalice and ciborium Angel praying
    Chalice and ciborium Angel praying
    Starting at  $ 410.33
    Chalice and ciborium gold plated
    Chalice and ciborium gold plated
    Starting at  $ 442.49
    Chalice and ciborium deer
    Chalice and ciborium deer
    Starting at  $ 719.75
    Chalice and ciborium Cross and Loaves
    Chalice and ciborium Cross and Loaves
    Starting at  $ 797.38
    Chalice and ciborium Chi-Rho chiseled brass
    Chalice and ciborium Chi-Rho chiseled brass
    Starting at  $ 1,019.18
    Silver chalice and ciborium tables of the Law
    Silver chalice and ciborium tables of the Law
    Upon request
    Starting at  $ 2,883.43
    Chalice and ciborium Grapes and spikes, chiseled brass
    Chalice and ciborium Grapes and spikes, chiseled brass
    Starting at  $ 1,219.91
    Chisellled brass chalice and ciborium set "Deer at the font"
    Chisellled brass chalice and ciborium set "Deer at the font"
    Starting at  $ 1,219.91
    Chalice and ciborium with chiselled good shepherd
    Chalice and ciborium with chiselled good shepherd
    Starting at  $ 1,319.72
    Chalice and ciborium with chiselled Putti
    Chalice and ciborium with chiselled Putti
    Upon request
    Starting at  $ 1,541.52
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set ark of the covenant
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set ark of the covenant
    Starting at  $ 1,541.52
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set The last supper
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set The last supper
    Starting at  $ 1,985.13
    Chalice and ciborium olive tree branches
    Chalice and ciborium olive tree branches
    Starting at  $ 1,319.72
    Chalice and ciborium garden of Gethsemane
    Chalice and ciborium garden of Gethsemane
    Starting at  $ 1,541.52
    Chalice and ciborium with Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Chalice and ciborium with Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Starting at  $ 1,985.13
    Chalice and ciborium descent from the cross
    Chalice and ciborium descent from the cross
    Starting at  $ 1,652.42
    Chalice and ciborium Putti, gold plated brass
    Chalice and ciborium Putti, gold plated brass
    Starting at  $ 2,550.72
    Chalice and ciborium Putti
    Chalice and ciborium Putti
    Starting at  $ 2,550.72
    Silver chalice and ciborium annunciation, crucifixion, nativity
    Silver chalice and ciborium annunciation, crucifixion, nativity
    Starting at  $ 2,772.52
    Chalice and ciborium Nativity, golden silver and brass
    Chalice and ciborium Nativity, golden silver and brass
    Starting at  $ 3,105.23
    Chalice and ciborium deposition of Christ
    Chalice and ciborium deposition of Christ
    Starting at  $ 1,885.32
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set
    Chiselled chalice and ciborium set
    Starting at  $ 765.22
    Golden chalice and ciborium with cross
    Golden chalice and ciborium with cross
    Starting at  $ 442.49
    Bowl paten
    Bowl paten
    Starting at  $ 54.34
    Paten plate model brass
    Paten plate model brass
    $ 49.79
    Bicolored ciborium blue node and filigree gold plated brass
    Bicolored ciborium blue node and filigree gold plated brass
    On backorder
    $ 1,638.86$ 1,541.52
    Pyx with Last Supper 8 cm, silver cast brass
    Pyx with Last Supper 8 cm, silver cast brass
    Sold out
    $ 475.77

    Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

    Metal Chalices Patens and Ciboria: silver chalices with gold-plated cup for the most important liturgical celebrations. Chalices, patens and ciboria in different styles and sizes.

    In this category you will find more than 700 different types of chalices, ciboriums or patens and traveling chalices. Thanks to the filters on the left you can quickly choose whether to display the chalices, ciboria or patens. You can also choose the style and brand: chalices, patens or ciboriums by Forma Fluens or Molina.

    You can also find the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Chalice with gold crystals and chalice holder, along with other useful accessories, in the special category of Jubilee 2025 Church and Liturgy Items.

    Bavly | 11/14/2024
    All communication on the product arrival was really clear. When I brought the liquid oil candles...
    Derek | 11/13/2024
    HolyArt provides a great service. The range and quality of the products is excellent and competitively...
    Kristin | 11/7/2024
    I couldn't be happier with my purchase of this Christmas town! Delivery was exceptionally quick,...