Giotto: the roots of modern painting.
The trust in men, the satisfaction of being the active main characters of their own time, the conscious commitment to occupy a "Place" in the world not only in a moral way, but also in a physical and material way: at the beginning of 300' Giotto's painting offers us a sense of the world's change, opening to new horizons. The crying and the laughter come back in painting after a millennium: emotions, stories, people and actions break out and flow. In the paint...
Info and features
Giotto: the roots of modern painting.
The trust in men, the satisfaction of being the active main characters of their own time, the conscious commitment to occupy a "Place" in the world not only in a moral way, but also in a physical and material way: at the beginning of 300' Giotto's painting offers us a sense of the world's change, opening to new horizons. The crying and the laughter come back in painting after a millennium: emotions, stories, people and actions break out and flow. In the paintings and frescos Giotto refuses the abstract, absorbed, sophisticated Byzantine mysticism and describes his epoch, giving life to one of the most clamorous revolutions in the history of painting.
Duration: 50 minutes,
Audio and subtitles: Italian, English
Genre: documentary