The face of Jesus Christ hand painted in the Montesole monastery in Italy
The face of Jesus Christ hand painted in the Montesole monastery in Italy
The icon represents the detailed face of Jesus Christ according to the Italian style of the '300. The red tunic, with veils of lapis lazuli, remembers his regality. In the crossed nimbus there is an inscription in Greek letters that means: He who is. It is made of seasoned lime wood, carved with dovetail wedges. Plastered and backed. Red bole gilding with 23 Karat gold. The colors used are earths and semi-precious stones su...
Info and features
The face of Jesus Christ hand painted in the Montesole monastery in Italy
The icon represents the detailed face of Jesus Christ according to the Italian style of the '300. The red tunic, with veils of lapis lazuli, remembers his regality. In the crossed nimbus there is an inscription in Greek letters that means: He who is. It is made of seasoned lime wood, carved with dovetail wedges. Plastered and backed. Red bole gilding with 23 Karat gold. The colors used are earths and semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli, azurite, malachite.
The item is entirely handmade at the Montesole Monastery. This icon was made according to the techniques and schemes of traditional Byzantine Russian painting.