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Special occasions

Crib medal for newborns: the joy of welcoming a new life

Crib medal for newborns: the joy of welcoming a new life

The arrival of a baby in a home is always a reason for joy. Even when it gives concerns, or when the conditions don’t look perfect to welcome a baby in this world, so hard even for adults, a baby that is about to come…

First Communion: princes and princesses for a day, but…

First Communion: princes and princesses for a day, but…

May is the month of Holy Communions. The First Communion is one of the most important and precious sacraments in the life of a young Christian. It celebrates the moment when, for the first time, he or she will be able to approach the Holy…

Ideal favours to choose for your son or daughter

Ideal favours to choose for your son or daughter

Baptism, communion, Confirmation. Three of the most important sacraments for a Christian. Baptism establishes the entrance of the new faithful in the womb to the church, with redemption from original sin through water and its rebirth as a new man; the Communion establishes the first,…

Sacred or profane favours?

Sacred or profane favours?

Baptisms, Communions, Marriages: what do these three occasions have in common? We guess that the first thing that for many of you, the first thing that came to mind was: the favours. And it’s perfectly true. On the occasion of all these celebrations, it is traditional…

Catholic gifts for your child’s godfather and godmother

Catholic gifts for your child’s godfather and godmother

We have already discussed the importance of the figures of the Godfather and Godmother on the occasion of a Confirmation. Their role is really important, and not just on the occasion of the sacrament itself. The Godfather and Godmother for the Confirmation will have to remain…

Baptism: meaning, symbols and how to organise one

Baptism: meaning, symbols and how to organise one

Baptism is the first of the sacraments that enshrine the true birth of a Christian. It is through Baptism that we are purified from original sin and become part of the Church and of the body of Christ. Thanks to Baptism, we have access to the…

The role of the Godfather and Godmother

The role of the Godfather and Godmother

Whoever is chosen as Godfather or Godmother for a Baptism or a Confirmation, is called on to undertake a truly valuable and important task. Very often, in the modern world, we lose sight of the true value of this role, but it shouldn’t be this way. When the parents…

The role of the priest in the Holy Communion

The role of the priest in the Holy Communion

The role of the priest in the Communion’s preparations is important and complex in its gestures, words and symbols, defined since the origins of the Church in a precise and recurring ritual. The purpose of this ritual is to prepare the group of Faithful to…

The origins of Easter

The origins of Easter

Easter is perhaps the most important of Christian holidays. Present in all practices, it reminds and celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus. Its origins are lost in time and its reminiscences and rites remind not only of the Jewish Easter, but also of ancient pagan cults.…

10 tips for organising a First Communion

10 tips for organising a First Communion

First Communion is a very important and valuable moment in the life of the young faithful and for their family. In fact, this is the first time that the child is permitted to receive the Eucharist, after a long process of catechesis. First Communion can…

The first sacrament of a youth faithful: Baptism

The first sacrament of a youth faithful: Baptism

Baptism is the first sacrament that the young faithful approaches. It is a time of great celebration for the whole family, with which it celebrates its entrance into a fuller life, accompanying him in his first steps to the discovery of spirituality. Like any celebration,…