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Saints and blessed

Saint Paul of Tarso: story of a missionary

Saint Paul of Tarso: story of a missionary

Saint Paul of Tarso can be considered the first great missionary of the Christian Church. His work as proselyte and contribution to spreading the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean find no equal. His excellence is even more remarkable because of his conversion, from the fierce persecutor…

The story of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

The story of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

We will always remember Mother Teresa of Calcutta for her untiring will to help the last ones, the deprived and poor. Today she is a Saint, celebrated all over the world, and surely one of the most important figures in modern history, awarded with the…

Sant’Agostino d’Ippona: philosopher, bishop and theologian

Sant’Agostino d’Ippona: philosopher, bishop and theologian

Very few men of faith can be compared to Sant’Agostino d’Ippona. He was not only a great theologian and bishop, philosopher and doctor of the Church. Sant’Agostino d’Ippona put his higher sensitivity and genius in the service of Faith as a priest, but also as…

13 May 2017 – Fatima’s centenary

13 May 2017 – Fatima’s centenary

On 13 May, faithful throughout the world celebrated the Holiday of Our Lady of Fatima. This year, however, it was a very special celebration: it was the centenary of Mary’s first appearance to the three shepherds Francesco, Jacinta and Lucia. On May 13th, 1917, the…

Statues of the Madonna in Italy in Southern Italy

Statues of the Madonna in Italy in Southern Italy

The Council of Trento was one of the largest assemblies of bishops in history. It lasted from 1545 to 1563, its main purpose: to evaluate the impact that the Protestant Reformation was having on the Catholic Church, and discuss that. The result of this meeting…

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the highest and most evocative points within the Catholic Christian religion. Its symbolic and spiritual value is immense, as is the exact moment in which God held out his hand to men and gave them…

The great master of spirituality, St. Francis de Sales

The great master of spirituality, St. Francis de Sales

The Patron Saint of Journalists, an eminent figure of the Counter Reformation and the French Catholic mystic, St. Francis de Sales was an authoritative doctor of the Church, but a man of his time first. Born in 1567 and raised in a family of ancient…

St. Agnes: story of a virgin and martyr

St. Agnes: story of a virgin and martyr

St. Agnes is the patron of virgins, fiancées and girls of marriageable age. Inevitably, if we think of her history, it is as tragic as it is poignant. She was a young girl belonging to one of the most powerful aristocratic families of Rome, who,…

Immaculate Virgin Mary as a symbol of the Redemption

Immaculate Virgin Mary as a symbol of the Redemption

The immaculate Mary is a definition of the Virgin Mary that highlights her lack of original sin from birth. Namely, the immaculate Virgin Mary was born without original sin, contrary to what the Church states for all other human beings. Her conception was normal, like…

The story of St. John the Baptist

The story of St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist is one of the most important figures, not only for the Catholic Christian religion, but in general, for all Christian Churches and Islam, which considers him one of the most important prophets that preceded Muhammad. The Lord Himself said that nobody…

Saint Benedict of Norcia: patron of Europe

Saint Benedict of Norcia: patron of Europe

Saint Benedict of Norcia, patron of Europe, protector of monks, speleologists, architects and engineers, was an abbot born in Norcia in Umbria. After completing his studies in Rome, he retired to live as an anchorite first in Subiaco, then in Cassino. There, surrounded by numerous…

Our Lady of Providence: the incarnation of all grace

Our Lady of Providence: the incarnation of all grace

The Catholic Church attaches great importance to the figure of Mary, mother of Jesus, the incarnation of all grace. In her is manifested the infinite goodness of Christ, his immense sacrifice for his beloved children. Our Lady of Divine Providence is one of the names…

Padre Pio statues

Padre Pio statues

The sort devotion around the figure of Pio of Pietrelcina, better known by the faithful as Padre Pio, exceeds in dissemination and ardor that dedicated to many other saints and famous historic holy. This affection and enthusiasm come from the same religious character of Pietrelcina,…

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel (or of Carmine) is one of the oldest and most beloved forms of worship to Christians. It is celebrated on July 16th, when, in 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel would have appeared to the English priest Simon Stock, then…

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fátima, or Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima (Nossa Senhora de Fátima), is one of the names by which Mary, mother of Jesus is known and adored around the world. It derives from the Portuguese town of Fatima, where in…

Holy Family statue

Holy Family statue

With Holy Family we commonly define the family of Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph. It is also known as the Family of Nazareth, after the city where they lived. The Holy Family has provided since the beginning of the church the model to which every…

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes

With the Our Lady of Lourdes epithet, Catholic refer to Mary, mother of Jesus, who in 1858 appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a fourteen year old peasant who lived in the French town of Lourdes. The girl claimed to have seen a “beautiful Lady”…

Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is considered the patron saint of all Spanish-speaking Catholics in the world, especially those living in South and North America. Her cult was born in Mexico in the sixteenth century, when the Virgin Mary appeared repeatedly to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an…