Saints and blessed Archive -

Saints and blessed

Story and production techniques of Prayer Cards

Story and production techniques of Prayer Cards

The word Paryer Card defines a small rectangular card, displaying on one side the printed or carved image of a saint or other sacred objects, and on the other a prayer or a hagiographic text related to the portrayed saint. There are Prayer Cards that…

The Novena to Saint Benedict

The Novena to Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict of Norcia is celebrated on July 11th. This is actually just one of the dates dedicated to the saint from Umbria, founder of the Benedictine order and creator of the so called Rule, which will strongly affect lives and spiritual experiences of all…

The consecration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The consecration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Christians is twofold: on the one hand, it means worshipping the heart of Jesus as a symbol of his humanity, of having become a man and having sacrificed for us all. On the other, it is…

St. Joseph: the supposed father of Jesus

St. Joseph: the supposed father of Jesus

St. Joseph is a very beloved figure venerated by Christians and with affection and incomparable devotion. In his being considered the supposed father of Jesus and faithful and respectful husband of the Virgin Mary, has ended up becoming the father of the whole Church, of…

Mary’s immaculate Heart

Mary’s immaculate Heart

May was the month dedicated to Marian Devotion. Pope Francis, like all of his predecessors, is a great supporter of the love for Virgin Mary; he invited all devotees in this occasion to pray the rosary every day of the month so that our prayers,…

The true meaning of the Hail Mary

The true meaning of the Hail Mary

There are words that are passed throughout time, from mouth to mouth, for years, centuries, uttered by a million different voices, in many different languages. The words of prayers for example, written by men and women inspired by God a long time ago, and said…

Our Lady of Medjugorje: how Our Lady of Peace is represented

Our Lady of Medjugorje: how Our Lady of Peace is represented

We already talked about Our Lady of Medjugorje in other articles, who appeared to six seers in 1981; some of them claim they see her everyday. The first apparitions took place in the town of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, from which comes the name. Our Lady…

Novena to Saint Joseph for Labor Day

Novena to Saint Joseph for Labor Day

Saint Joseph in an unmissable figure when we think about Jesus life and work. Even though he was probably already dead when Jesus began his mission, it is true that his role of Mary’s husband and foster father of our Savior places him among the…

Crucifix of San Damiano

Crucifix of San Damiano

The Crucifix of San Damiano is the one in front of which St. Francis was intent on praying when, in the distant year of 1205, he received from the Lord the call to work to restore his church. The Saint of Assisi believed at first…

The story of Saint Roch of Montpellier: French pilgrim and thaumaturge

The story of Saint Roch of Montpellier: French pilgrim and thaumaturge

Saint Roch of Montpellier has many traits in common with Saint Frances of Assisi, whom he whorshipped and fervently imitated. He came from a rich family too, was also very good-looking, had an active and rich mind, nurtured by university studies and a natural curiosity…

The day Virgin Mary revealed herself to Bernadette Soubirous

The day Virgin Mary revealed herself to Bernadette Soubirous

Still today, those who visit the Grotto of Massabielle, where Marie-Bernarde Soubirous also known as Bernadette reported the miracolous visions of a “lady dressed in white”, experience a feeling of great holiness and intimate comfort. The niche where the visions appeared is at the top,…

The cult of Archangel St. Michael

The cult of Archangel St. Michael

Contents1 History of Archangel St. Michael2  The sacred lay line of Archangel St. Michael3 Prayers to the Archangel St. Michael4 Representations of St. Michael the Archangel in art and the collective imagination St. Michael the Archangel is one of the three archangels recognized by Christianity,…

How to recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

How to recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a devotional prayer that guarantees those who recite it, especially at the point of death, the grace of conversion and the forgiveness of all sins. It is also a prayer that invokes God’s mercy on all humanity, offering the Passion…

The Novena to Mary that loosens the knots

The Novena to Mary that loosens the knots

The Novena is a Christian devotional form that is usually practiced on a religious recurrence or a particularly important holiday, like at Christmas, Easter, Immaculata or Pentecost. It involves reciting a particular prayer for nine consecutive days, or different prayers, addressed to God, and usually aimed at requesting the intercession…

Archangels: who are they and what is their function?

Archangels: who are they and what is their function?

The Catholic Church recognises the existence of only three Archangels, or the three mentioned in the Scriptures: Michael (“Who is like God?”), Gabriel (“God’s Power”) and Raphael (“God’s Doctor”). This clarification is needed, because one could object that in the texts of the past, other archangels have been mentioned, the same as…

The cult of Mary Help of Christians

The cult of Mary Help of Christians

Mary has always been seen as the ideal mediator between God and men, the one who, by her very nature, can take to the ears of our Heavenly Father the pain, afflictions, prayers of his children. With the name of Mary Help of Christians, from…

The Miraculous Madonna

The Miraculous Madonna

With Miraculous Madonna, the Catholic Church defines a miracle that took place in the Church of Saints James and Philip in Taggia, in the province of Imperia. Here, in 1855, while the population was gathered in prayer, the faithful noticed the eyes of a plaster…

Pope John Paul II: 10 curiosities you might not know

Pope John Paul II: 10 curiosities you might not know

Pope John Paul II, or Pope Wojtyla, made the history of the twentieth century with his pontificate. He directed the Church for 27 years, establishing relationships with rulers and heads of state, taking part in the most significant events of our time with his constant presence…