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The Rosary for unborn children is a particular type of Rosary. It is made of crystal beads, which symbolise the tears of the Madonna. Each ‘tear’ represents the mother’s womb and contains within it the image of an unborn child. The Crucifix is golden, as a sign of the need to praise and invoke the Lord to free the world of the terrible sin of abortion. The Our Father is symbolised by tears of blood in the form of a cross. The Crucifix Centre depicts the Heart of the Madonna and encloses its effigy.
The Rosary for unborn children was given to the world by Our Lady in person, as an instrument of Love and a prayer against the scourge of abortion.
The apparitions of Our Lady and of Jesus to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle
The Rosary for the unborn children appeared the first time on October 7, 1997, the day when Our Lady presented herself to the seer Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, with this special Rosary suspended before her. Mary presented herself as a prophetess of the present times, and declared that she was there to praise Jesus, her Son. She told Maureen Sweeney-Kyle that Heaven suffered immensely from the scourge of abortion, a huge sin committed against life itself, the most precious gift God made to men. This sin was destined, over time, to disrupt the history and the future of all nations. Our Lady offered the Rosary for unborn children to Maureen and told her that this would be a weapon against this calamity, along with love and prayer.
Maureen Sweeney-Kyle contributed to the creation and propagation of this particular Rosary.
Three and a half years later, Our Lady and Jesus appeared to her again.
Our Lady, as Mother Dolorosa told her that every “Ave Maria” pronounced with that Rosary would redeem the innocent life of a child murdered by abortion. The Rosary itself, by virtue of its power, would help erase the pain of that sinful act from the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.
She then invited her to spread the news without fear and shyness.
Jesus also appeared to her, inviting her to pray with the cross made of tears of rosary blood from unborn children, to alleviate the suffering of his afflicted Heart and strengthen the arm of Divine Justice. In fact, every Rosary recited would mitigate the impending punishment of all of humanity due to the sin of abortion.
Again, Our Lady presented herself to Maureen as Mary the Refuge of Holy Love, surrounded by praying angels. She showing her the rosary for the unborn children wrapped in a golden crown, and told her that this was His Crown of Victory against the evil of abortion. She added that it was the will of Jesus that she spread that truth.
The prayer for life
It is therefore the will of the Virgin Mary that the faithful pray with the help of this particular Rosary, to defeat a sin that makes the heavens cry. The love and faith of men of good will, combined with the Grace of Our Lady, is a powerful weapon against this fearsome scourge.
As revealed by Our Lady to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, every “Hail Mary” can save an innocent life from abortion and alleviate the penalty of the Immaculate Heart of Mary herself, whilst every “Our Father” recited on the Rosary for unborn children will relieve the sorrowful Heart of Jesus and will hold the Arm of Justice by mitigating the punishment for the sin of abortion.
For this miracle to take place, the Rosary must be blessed by a Catholic priest.
On October 13, 2004, Pope John Paul II blessed the Rosary of the unborn children in Rome.
The virtues of the Rosary for the unborn children are recognised and appreciated by Christian communities throughout the world. Prayer and devotion are the only answer for combatting the evils of the world, and the terrible calamities that envelop humanity. Pride, greed, and hate are instruments of evil, every sin is a point of strength for those who are evil, and only authentic Faith and humility can oppose them.
“A great prayer for life that runs across the entire world is urgently needed. With extraordinary initiatives and in habitual prayer, from every Christian community, from every group or association, from every family and from the heart of every believer, a passionate supplication is raised towards God, the Creator and lover of life”. Thus declared Pope John Paul II in the Gospel of Life. His successors have not been less supporting of the importance of respect for life as a precious gift from God.
How to recite the Rosary for the Unborn Children
In reciting the Rosary of unborn children, it is necessary to turn to Our Lady and to Jesus with an attitude of supplication, and invoke the protection and salvation of all unborn children, but also for the sinners of the entire world.

Rosary for The Unborn
- Raising the Rosary to Heaven and saying: “Heavenly Queen, with this Rosary we unite all the sinners of all nations to Your Immaculate Heart”
- Making the sign of the Cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
- Recite the following prayer, suggested to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle after the September 11 attack: “Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, allow all souls to find peace and security in Your Divine Will. Grant to every soul the grace to understand that Your Will is the Holy Love in the present moment. Father Benevolent, enlighten every conscience so that they realize that they are not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time to do it. Amen.
- Recite the Creed.
- Continue with the following prayers:
– One “Our Father” according to the intentions of the Holy Father.
– Three “Ave Marias” for the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
– One “All the Glory”.
- After which there are the pro-life Mysteries of the Rosary, divided into the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. After each Mystery recite:
– One “Our Father”
– Ten “Ave Marias”
– One “All the Glory”
– The ejaculation of Fatima: “O my Jesus, forgive our sins, save us from the pains of hell, welcome all the souls in Paradise, especially those who are most in need of Your Mercy.”
– The eulogy for the Unborn: “Jesus, protect and save the unborn”
- After the Rosary, recite some prayers dedicated to Our Lady, such as the “Salve Regina” and possibly litany against abortion, begging the Lord and Our Lady to welcome our supplications and forgive the sins of all humanity.