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Electric candles: when a cult loses its sacredness

Electric candles: when a cult loses its sacredness

When we think of a church, the first image that is formed in our mind is probably that of a known religious building, with a bell tower, the Cathedral of our city, or perhaps a place of worship that is particularly dear to us for…

Trees and plants in the Christian tradition

Trees and plants in the Christian tradition

In ancient times, the relationship between man and nature was much closer than itis today. Everyday life was inextricably linked to the alternation of the seasons, atmospheric precipitations, excessive heat, or excessive cold. Our ancestors certainly did not live an easy existence, victims of a…

The hour of Mercy

The hour of Mercy

Mercy This is a word that often comes up when we talk about Our Lord. Mercy: origin and meaning The term derives from the Latin misereor (I have mercy) and cor -cordis (heart), but conceptually it has always existed, in the context of the Christian…

The apparitions of Our Lady of Guadaloupe

The apparitions of Our Lady of Guadaloupe

By the Apparitions of Guadalupe, we refer to the four appearances of Our Lady to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an Aztec convert to Christianity. These apparitions took place within a few days of each other in December 1531, on Tepeyac hill, near Mexico City. The definition…

The roles of Altar Servers

The roles of Altar Servers

Altar Servers, more commonly known as altar boys, are children or teenagers who assist a priest during Mass. Their name comes from the Latin word “ministrare” which means ‘’to serve’’. Their role is recognized by the Conciliar Constitution as an integral part of the liturgic…

Way of the Cross for children: how to tell your child about the 14 stations

Way of the Cross for children: how to tell your child about the 14 stations

It is not easy to explain certain things to a child. Not even for modern children, used to witnessing impressive scenes on television every day, bombarded on all sides by disturbing images, suggestions, media solicitations completely disrespectful of their age, the fragile condition of their…

The different uses of incense

The different uses of incense

Incense has always been linked to the idea of ​​the sacred, and the divine. Since the earliest times, its use has been attested in ancient civilizations, almost always for religious purposes. Their intense and aromatic scent was considered to be appreciated by the Gods, as it…

Church devotions for every month of the year

Church devotions for every month of the year

At the time of the ancient Roman civilization in situations of extreme gravity, a commander could decide to sacrifice his life to ensure the victory of his own troops and the salvation of his men. To do so, he pronounced a vow to the gods…

The Egg as a symbol of Easter

The Egg as a symbol of Easter

Whenever we think of Easter, apart from the religious significance of this festival for Christians, the first thought that probably comes to mind is chocolate eggs, which we give away as gifts for the occasion. The Easter egg is a form gluttony covered with coloured, shiny…

How to explain Confession to your child

How to explain Confession to your child

It isn’t easy to explain what a Confession is to a child. It isn’t easy because it isn’t easy to explain what the concept of Sin is to them. Yet it is fundamental for a child’s growth as a human being, and as a Christian, that they understand what…

Who your Guardian Angel is and what they do: 10 things you should know

Who your Guardian Angel is and what they do: 10 things you should know

According to Christian tradition, every one of us has a guardian angel, who accompanies us from the moment we’re born until the moment  of our death, and stays at our side at every moment of our life. The idea of ​​a spirit, of a supernatural entity…

The Rosary for the unborn children

The Rosary for the unborn children

The Rosary for unborn children is a particular type of Rosary. It is made of crystal beads, which symbolise the tears of the Madonna. Each ‘tear’ represents the mother’s womb and contains within it the image of an unborn child. The Crucifix is golden, as a…

Ancient Russian icons: humanity’s heritage

Ancient Russian icons: humanity’s heritage

Ancient Russian Icons are paintings of inestimable value and absolute beauty. Only revealed to the world in the early 1900s during an exhibition in Paris, they won unanimous approval and were immediately recognised as not only part of Russian heritage, but as something that belongs…

The beneficial properties of natural incense

The beneficial properties of natural incense

Incense has been used by mankind for thousands of years, since the ancient civilisations of Africa and Asia. Its extraordinary effects on the body and mind have caused it to be considered from the beginning a kind of miraculous substance, suitable to the adoration of…

The expressiveness of the Willow Tree collection

The expressiveness of the Willow Tree collection

The uniqueness that embodies the enchanting works of Susan Lordi, an American artist from Kansan City, most likely resides in their infinite expressiveness. It may sound like a contradiction for those who know her work. In fact, the feature that’s immediately evident when admiring these…

The funeral from classic Greece to our day

The funeral from classic Greece to our day

A person’s death has always represented an important moment in any human community since the origins of civilization. For this reason, funeral rites have always existed to celebrate this transition. These rituals change over time, and depending on geographical location, civil and religious costumes of…

The ancient tradition of painted Greek icons

The ancient tradition of painted Greek icons

The term ‘icon’ describes a sacred painting depicted on board. Actually, the word could be used for any image, regardless of materials and techniques that were used. But generally speaking, works on board produced in the Byzantine and Slavic cultures fall into this definition. The…

Pentecost: the day when we celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church

Pentecost: the day when we celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church

Pentecost is perhaps, after Easter, one of the most important festivities of the Catholic Church. It’s the celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Most Holy Trinity, after the Resurrection of Jesus and, in a sense, the very birth…