Religion Archive -


The differences between Judaism and Christianity

The differences between Judaism and Christianity

Contents1 Judaism and Christianity differences2 The Jewish religion in brief and the Jewish sacred texts3 What the Jews call God What are the differences between Judaism and Christianity? Is the God of the Jews the same as the Christians? Let’s try to discover together what…

Eucharistic adoration for children

Eucharistic adoration for children

Eucharistic adoration for children is a delicate and important matter. Let’s see how we should introduce them to it in the right way, what prayers are most appropriate for the youngest ones before the Most High and how Eucharist should be explained to kids. Eucharistic…

Ecclesiastic hierarchy within the Catholic Church

Ecclesiastic hierarchy within the Catholic Church

Contents1 First Level2 What is the difference between bishops and cardinals?3 What is the difference between bishop and archbishop?4 Second level5 Third level6 Other ecclesiastical titles7 Clothing and colors of the various levels of the Church The Church is a very wide and complex institution,…

Jubilee of Mercy Logo: what is it and who designed it

Jubilee of Mercy Logo: what is it and who designed it

Contents1 What is the Jubilee?2 How often is it held?3 What do we do during a Jubilee?4 The Jubilee of Mercy5 Meaning of the Jubilee of Mercy Logo The Logo of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy was created and designed by an artist and religious…

Free will: what it is, what it means

Free will: what it is, what it means

Contents1 So, what is free will?2 Fate or free will?3 Free will in the Bible4 The concept of free will according to Dante5 Free will for Saint Augustine6 Free will according to Luther7 Free will according to Erasmus of Rotterdam What is free will? What…

How to become a deacon: duties and education

How to become a deacon: duties and education

Contents1 What does a deacon do?2 How to become a permanent deacon3 The jobs of the Deacon within the parish4 The married deacon and his family5 The preparation of a deacon6 Wishes to a newly ordained deacon. What could be the best gift? Who is…

November 25th, Saint Catherine of Alexandria

November 25th, Saint Catherine of Alexandria

On November 25th we celebrate the martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, a young woman born and raised in Egypt and famous both for her many qualities shown during her life and the sanctity of her death. Catherine, born in Alexandria of Egypt from a…

The meaning of the seven Deadly Sins

The meaning of the seven Deadly Sins

Contents1 History of the seven Deadly Sins2 Why are the deadly sins seven?3 What are the seven Deadly Sins? What is the meaning of the seven Deadly Sins? Where do they come from and how were they defined throughout history? Why are they seven? Let’s…

The Menorah: history and meaning of the Jewish candelabra

The Menorah: history and meaning of the Jewish candelabra

Contents1 What is it exactly?2 What did the Jewish Menorah stand for?3 What about today?4 The lighting and extinguishing of the Menorah and the Chanukkiyah The Menorah is one of the main symbols of the Jewish world. It is a seven-branched oil lamp. In ancient…

The miracles of Saint Gerard Majella

The miracles of Saint Gerard Majella

Contents1 Saint Gerard and the religious call2 Miracles of Saint Gerard3 Prayer to saint Gerard Majella The miracles of Saint Gerard Majella let the world know the human and spiritual story of this exceptional young man. Let’s find out more about the saint Patron of…

What is the Scapular?

What is the Scapular?

The scapular has evolved throughout time, from being a work garment for monks to becoming a devotional object used also by lay people. What is its meaning? And most of all, how can we wear it without falling into error? At the beginning, the scapular…

5 religious key chains to give on 5 different occasions

5 religious key chains to give on 5 different occasions

What could be a not too expensive gift, but which can also let the people we love know that we think about them? Have you ever thought of a religious key chain? Small, practical, useful, it is the perfect gift for any occasion. And for…

Murano (Venetian) glass: the making and its characteristics

Murano (Venetian) glass: the making and its characteristics

Contents1 History of the glassmaking art in Murano2 Murano glassmaking3 Murano glass crosses4 Murano glass jewels5 Murano glass crosses Murano is a wonderful island that has been guarding the secrets of a unique and inimitable artisanal craft for centuries. Let’s discover the Murano glass jewels…

History of Saint Peter’s Baldachin

History of Saint Peter’s Baldachin

Contents1 Artistic value2 Characteristics and peculiarities3 The dynamism of shapes Saint Peter’s Baldachin is one of the most spectacular monuments we can admire inside Saint Peter’s Basilica. What is it? Who made it? Let’s get to know this sumptuous baroque art piece, which is admired…

There is a guardian angel in your baby’s room

There is a guardian angel in your baby’s room

The guardian angel. An imaginary friend when we are young, a constant and comforting presence next to us when we grow up. Let’s find out (and rediscover) the importance of such celestial presence that protect us for life. When we are young, it is easy…

Easter Blessings to families

Easter Blessings to families

The tradition of blessing during Lent and Easter is very ancient and represents one of the most important moments of the liturgical year, not only for the faithful receiving it, but also for the priests giving it. Let’s find out why. We talked previously about…

Types of Crosses and their meanings

Types of Crosses and their meanings

Contents1 Latin Cross2 Greek cross3 Tau cross, also known as Saint Anthony the Abbot cross or Crux Commissa.4 Tree of Life Cross5 Eight pointed Cross6 Cross of Saint Aemilian of Cogolla7 The Coptic Cross8 Cross with trilobed terminals9 Russian Cross10 Marian Cross11 Papal Triple Cross12…

Ampullas for celebrations: small vases with precious contents

Ampullas for celebrations: small vases with precious contents

Contents1 Why does the priest mix water and wine during the Offertory?2 History of the ampullas for liturgy3 The altar servers4 Holy Water What are the ampullas for celebrations for? Let’s find out about the history and use of two small and precious sacred objects,…