How can we ask God for a miracle? Prayer and Faith are the most powerful tools we have to invoke His help. Here’s how to offer them to Him.
The Catholic Church acknowledges the existence of miracles—events that transcend the laws of nature, escape human understanding, and testify to God’s love for His creatures. However, it is also very rigid and strict in recognising what constitutes a miracle, whether it be miraculous healings or unexpected salvific events. Naturally, it is reasonable to think that God cannot grant miracles to everyone who asks, not because He loves some of His children less than others. His omnipotent love embraces us all, but His choice to perform miracles is closely connected to His divine plan. Thus, in most cases, if a miracle is not granted, it is not because God does not love us enough or because we have failed to recite the right prayers. Whether or not He intervenes in our lives is part of His plan of salvation, and it is not for us to criticise it. However, there are measures we can adopt. Why might we not have yet received a miracle from God? What is the right prayer to ask for a miracle? Here’s how to ask for a miracle, with prayer habits, correct or incorrect attitudes that, when adopted, can prove useful in seeking God’s help.
How to Pray for a Miracle
There is no single way to ask God for a miracle. Just as each of us is unique and different in His eyes, so too varies the way we approach Him. The starting point should always and only be Faith, complete trust in His listening, even when things are going wrong, even when we doubt that He is listening. Faith is also continuing to pray and believe in the miracle when it seems beyond all hope. Without Faith, it is utterly useless to ask for a miracle.
Once Faith supports us, asking God for a miracle becomes truly a personal matter, just as prayer does. Some pray in total silence, others by reading the Bible, some by singing! What’s important is to surrender completely to God when doing so, allowing His grace to guide us with an open and free heart, letting emotions flow without repression. This makes the prayer more effective than any choice of words, and the truly powerful prayer to obtain a miracle can only be found within us.
When speaking with God, we must banish negativity, forget fears and anxieties, and never become impatient. Faith and patience are the key to pursuing the miracle, which should be asked for and asked for again, with precise and clear phrases, simple words coming from the heart.
Another fundamental aspect is to praise God. This should not be a way to curry favour, a sort of exchange between praise and the promise of a miracle. God should be thanked regardless of whether He grants our request, with sincerity and a pure heart, for everything He already does, not with a view to what He might do additionally!
Moreover, we must be at peace with God and with others around us. We should ask Him for forgiveness for our sins and apologise to those we have hurt. Only with a pure soul free from guilt will our words become truly effective, ascending to God with greater strength, to advocate for what we hold dear.
Above all, the most effective prayer for obtaining a miracle is… asking for the miracle! We must not be afraid to do so, nor should we feel foolish or ridiculous. God listens to us and grants miracles every day without us asking for them, so it is unthinkable that He cannot grant those we truly desire. A miracle is born from desire and from how much we are willing to commit to obtaining it. For miracles, there is no “everything and immediately,” as the modern world makes us believe in every field. There are things that only God can do for us, desires that only He can fulfil. If we do not tire of praying, with Faith, hope, and patience, He will listen to us.
Saint Anthony of Padua, the Saint of miracles
Saint Anthony of Padua was already one of his contemporaries master of Christian wisdom and an author of immortal works.
Finally, we must always remember that it might be God’s will for the miracle we deem so important not to happen. It may be that what we consider good, in His infinite wisdom and omniscience, is not. God does not want us to suffer; He does not send us adversities, illnesses, sufferings, or grief. But these things happen; they are a fundamental component of human life, and God allows it so that we may grow, both as humans and Christians, to become stronger and to increase our Faith in Him. In the end, only His will matters, whether we accept it or not.
Miraculous Prayers
Is there a specific prayer to obtain a miracle? No. And yes. Prayers should never be considered as magical formulas but as a dialogue that brings us closer to God, a recognition of His love and omnipotence.
Each of us can create our own prayer for a miracle, perhaps to seek healing for ourselves or for a loved one. Here is an example of a prayer for healing:
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge You as the absolute Lord of my life and our lives. Heal and cure all those infected by the virus, heal and deliver us from our fears with the strength and power of Your healings; and let the Holy Spirit introduce us into Your healing lordship. I place my suffering and illness at Your feet. Heal me, Lord, through the power of Your glorious wounds, Your cross, and Your Precious Blood. You are the Good Shepherd and I am one of the sheep of Your fold: have mercy on me. You are the Jesus who said: “Ask and it will be given to you.”

Or here is another miraculous prayer:
Jesus, miracle worker,
You who died on the cross for my sins,
who gave hearing to the deaf and speech to the mute,
You who gave sight to the blind,
made the lame walk,
and raised the dead.
Increase my faith,
increase my hope,
nourish my faith,
let the Holy Spirit take care of me,
so that I am not weakened
in the face of life’s problems.
Dear Jesus, Your grace is my strength.
Exalted be Your name forever
and Your love announced everywhere,
glorified and blessed be Your presence
among us.
Thank You for listening, Lord.
Through this prayer,
I entrust all my problems to You.
And I will trust,
because I know that You are acting for me
and transforming my life.