Christmas tree with built-in lights Why not? A modern and comfortable way to avoid the stress of the chains of lights without giving up the whole atmosphere of the party.
Why pick a Christmas tree with built-in lights? Doesn’t it take away the atmosphere from Christmas? Definitely not, and we explain why.
The time is now approaching to think about the Christmas tree, the crux and delight of the upcoming holidays. Delight because how can you give up the tradition that lives again every year in our homes, thanks to the Christmas trees, which have always been symbols of celebration, of that all-familiar warmth, which seems to be accentuated at this time of the year and gather around these ornaments multicoloured and shining with lights?
Croce because, if it is true that making the Tree can be a great experience for the whole family, especially if you use ornaments and balls that are handed down from generation to generation, full of the sweet flavour of lost Christmases, and if you decorate them all together, it is also true that the unfortunate person who has the burden of having to think about the lights to be placed on the Tree must face many inconveniences.
How to place the lights on your Christmas tree
We are almost there. Winter hit us after a long and hot summer, and fall seemed hesitant to drive away the warm season…
In this article, we will not talk about the need to use only safe and certified Christmas lights. However, we refer to previous articles to remind you of the importance of safety in the use of lights, and above all of the care required in placing the Christmas lights once the tree is unpacked. This will ensure that we will find them in good condition the following year, still working, with all the bulbs in the right place, not burned out, without tangles of wire, and so on.
But sometimes care and attention is not enough.
Arranging the chains of lights on the Tree is not a trivial operation. First of all, you need to worry not to leave ‘holes’, that is areas not illuminated by the lights which, when the Tree is on, will give the impression that it is bare and messy. To do this we must consider that, given the size of the Tree, rarely a single chain of lights will be sufficient to fill it adequately.
So here it becomes necessary to buy more than one chain of lights, and then the real pain begins. Because, once you start arranging the lights on the Tree, the threads of the various lights end up intertwining, creating unpleasant tangles, which you will then need to try to mask with tinsel and other decorations, with the risk of ruining the symmetry of the Tree itself.
What is worse is when taking all our light chains down from the top of the Tree to its base, we realise too late that maybe one or more of them are not long enough to reach the socket, and then we have to redo them all over again, with the (inevitable) risk of finding ourselves struggling with the usual entanglements. And having to untangle metres upon metres of electrical wires does not at all reconcile the Christmas spirit, let’s face it …
Again, if we have been good enough to calculate perfectly the right length of our chains of lights for the Tree, so that they cover it evenly, without overlapping, and comfortably reach the spine, here is the moment of truth, that is, when we plug the adapter into the socket, we realise that one or more bulbs in a chain have burned out. A trivial piece of advice to remedy this latter possibility is to try the lights attached to the current BEFORE giving us so much to do to put them on the Tree. But sometimes even this precaution is not enough.
What else?
Oh yes, the black wires that hang from the base of the tree and go to gather in the socket, or the power strip. In addition to representing an irresistible temptation for the children of the house and perhaps even for pets, they are certainly not a pretty sight, and it is really difficult to hide them effectively.
For all these reasons, and more, the Christmas tree with built-in lights can be a comfortable, safe choice that will minimise the stress, already concentrated enough during the Christmas period.
Let’s see an example. Let’s say you have chosen one of our beautiful artificial Christmas trees, with PVC branches in a beautiful natural green that is easily mounted with a practical hook system. A beautiful tree, simple and super basic, economical, but also stable and safe, made with guaranteed materials. The only flaw? It requires to be completely decorated: balls, tinsel, and of course, countless chains of lights.

Let’s now see another Tree, definitely much more functional. We are talking about a Christmas tree with built-in lights, always artificial, with branches in poly feel-real (polyethene) for an extremely realistic effect, memory shape for a perfect shape (it is not necessary to open the branches from time to time because the branches are also closed keep the memory of the open form), and integrated lights.

How does it work?
The trunk is a bayonet-type: it has an internal contact that allows the lights on the upper floor to work without having to connect cables. Easy, right? The practical umbrella opening of the branches also allows you to assemble this Christmas tree quickly. Basically, each branch is permanently attached to a metal support
, but there’s more.
In addition to the integrated coloured LED lights, with replaceable bulbs (a bag with 5 spare bulbs will be provided), which continue to work if only one burns out, the Albero is also equipped with a 9-function Bluetooth programmer! In practice, a Bluetooth control unit is mounted on the Tree that can be connected to any Bluetooth device (for example a Smartphone), thanks to which it is possible to listen to music from a speaker, while the lights light up according to the rhythm.
In short, a must in the field of Christmas trees with built-in lights! But in our online store, you will find many others, suitable for every need and every budget.
What you have to consider is that, when it comes to a Christmas tree with built-in lights, the investment is convenient, precisely because it will allow you to save on expensive and delicate chains of lights, as well as avoid a lot of effort and unnecessary stress.