What would Christmas be without a tree? But why limit yourself to the usual, classic green fir decorated with balls, lights and tinsel? Here are some ideas for strange and original Christmas trees, real design objects.
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- 1 1. Christmas tree 180 cm Fancy Silver silver fir with a mouldable tip 300 internal external LEDs
- 2 2. Obsidian Gold Christmas tree 210 cm
- 3 3. Luminous tree Cherry 300 cm cold white outside
- 4 4. Luminous Tree Weeping Willow 150cm 360 LED Warm White Outdoor
- 5 5. Christmas tree 230 cm high red velvet covered with snow
So, what do we mean by weird Christmas trees? The Christmas tree is a tradition now so deeply rooted in our culture that it can be taken for granted. What Christmas would it be without the fir trees covered with coloured lights, the festoons of gold and silver, the balls and the delicious and fragile decorations, which remind us of the Christmases of our childhood? Every house, every shop or shopping centre flaunts its own tree, and in some of the most famous squares in the world, the lighting of the illuminations becomes an event of such magnitude as to attract not only citizens, but tourists from all over the world. Just think of the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square in London or that of the Rockefeller Center in New York.
Remaining in the domestic environment, the moment in which the Tree is taken out of the cellar or from the attic, placed in a place of honour in the house, and then decorated, takes on an almost ritual character, which involves the whole family and collects it in a moment of sharing with a unique flavour, an integral part of the Christian Christmas.
And to think that the origins of the Christmas tree are very distant from Catholicism. In ancient Rome there was the custom of decorating temples with fir branches during the Saturnalia, celebrations in honour of Saturn that fell during the winter Solstice, starting from 17 December. In particular, the Romans used silver fir, which symbolised eternal life. But silver fir branches were also used to celebrate the cult of the “Sol Invictus”, the “rising sun”, connected to that of the god Mithras. Still, the Celts celebrated the Winter Solstice with large banquets and gatherings around the fire, in what is known as the Yule festival. Decorations made with evergreen branches adorned the houses and common areas, symbolising the struggle against the dangers of winter.
It is presumable that the Christmas tree as we know it derives from these Nordic rites, given that the first testimonies of Christmas trees in the Christian context date back to the Middle Ages, when, in many villages in northern Europe, the inhabitants began to set up trees decorated for Christmas in the churchyard or inside the churches, or even in the central square. Initially, it was not always fir trees, but also cherry or hawthorn trees, or wooden pyramids, which were decorated with paper, fresh and dried fruit and candles.
Even the typical colours of the Christmas trees, red, green, gold and silver, are linked to ancient traditions, to symbols linked to both a sacred and profane past, the bearer of a legacy of sacredness, fecundity, rebirth.
But today we want to talk about strange Christmas trees, and this allows us to depart from tradition, or perhaps to examine aspects not usually considered. Among our 5 proposals, there is also a Christmas tree in the shape of a cherry tree which, as we mentioned earlier, was one of the most used trees in the first preparations of Christmas trees during the Middle Ages. This is to say that we are open to novelties and stylistic evolution, and that we like to offer Christmas trees that can turn out to be real fashion and design objects, destined to make your holiday home truly unique and original, but that we never lose. It is entirely clear that the goal of the Christmas tree is to recreate the atmosphere that makes this holiday so special inside the house.
Here are five proposals for artificial Christmas trees that we can define as designer Christmas trees, for those who want to dare a little more and have an original and different tree.
1. Christmas tree 180 cm Fancy Silver silver fir with a mouldable tip 300 internal external LEDs
Let’s start with a silver-coloured Christmas tree, 180 cm high. Its peculiarity is certainly that of having a modellable tip. In practice, you can fold it and adapt it to your needs, to create a truly stunning effect. The Christmas tree is enriched with 300 cool white eco LED lights and features a light control with 8 movements. Like all our artificial Christmas trees, it is easy to open with the practical umbrella opening of the branches that allows you to assemble the Christmas tree quickly. Each branch is permanently attached to a metal support. The considerable amount of spikes (about 392) make it an impressive tree used both indoors and outdoors.

2. Obsidian Gold Christmas tree 210 cm
And what about this very original Obsidian Gold Slim Christmas tree? The Christmas tree is black, with gold shades and surprising points of light. Its plastic branches are permanently attached to a metal support, guaranteeing absolute ease of opening. The Tree is 210 cm tall. Its most original feature is certainly the colour, which makes it suitable for an elegant environment, no matter if classic or modern.

3. Luminous tree Cherry 300 cm cold white outside
Here is our Christmas Cherry Tree, illuminated by 1592 LEDs shining in a beautiful cool white. The Cherry Tree is ideal for embellishing the interior and exterior of homes, public places and offices. 300 cm tall, its branches covered with small pulsating LED lights are mouldable and perfect for creating the shape and decoration that you prefer. Cherry blossoms are bright and easily replaceable. Supplied are some replacement pieces with a lot of imbus key to screw the branches to the trunk.
The item is very solid and consists of: trunk with a metal base to give stability with lots of holes to fix it to the floor, 11 branches with cherry blossoms, each with its own plug to be connected to the trunk, cherry blossoms to be replaced in case of need and imbus key. The Christmas Cherry Tree stands out for its elegance and brightness.

4. Luminous Tree Weeping Willow 150cm 360 LED Warm White Outdoor
Always wanting to consider Christmas trees strange and different from the usual, how about this Christmas willow? 150 cm high, it is illuminated by 360 warm white LED lights. Ideal for embellishing the interior and exterior of homes, public places and offices, just as the cherry tree has branches that can be moulded and adapted to any shape. Its simple lines and above all its brightness make it perfect for creating a welcoming and ideal atmosphere for minimal and elegant environments. Lightweight and easy to move, it will illuminate your home all the time of the holidays.

5. Christmas tree 230 cm high red velvet covered with snow
Classic in shape, this sumptuous fir tree 230 cm high and with the beauty of 1066 points, catches the eye, as well as for its grandeur and the colour of its branches. It is wonderfully red and white flocked! 500 coloured eco LED lights to illuminate it majestically, with 8 different light effects. The umbrella opening makes it practical and easy to open, despite its size, and ensures an ideal shape seal for all holidays. An important and impressive Christmas tree.