5 home decorations ideal for Christmas or the whole year

5 home decorations ideal for Christmas or the whole year

Christmas decorations? They are never enough! Let’s find out how to create the perfect Christmas atmosphere with objects that can beautify our home for the rest of the year.

Who, with the holidays approaching, is not seized by the desire to make their home warmer and more welcoming, to embellish it with Christmas decorations that create the inimitable atmosphere of these special days? The possibilities are endless, and many begin already during Advent to decorate the house with festoons, angels, Christmas candles. And then there is the Tree, of course, which becomes the heart of the house for the time of the Feast, and the Nativity scene, which evokes the Nativity most traditionally.

But all these Christmas decorations are not only used to create atmosphere and make the home welcoming for Christmas. There is a deeper meaning, hidden in them, and it is an inherent desire in each believer: to reaffirm one’s love and devotion, to remember that His is a Christian home, that those who live there are baptised and live in love of God.

And there is more. Christmas decorations acquire the function of real sacred objects, with an action of protection from evil, protection of the house and of those who live there against the threats of darkness. We remember that some sacred objects can be considered real sacramental, and as such, prolong the effect of Baptism and the other sacraments, bringing it back in every moment in our life, in our home.

5 sacred objects that cannot miss in our homes

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5 sacred objects that cannot miss in our homes
Crucifixes, sacred pictures, icons, statues. Objects we keep in our homes to remind us we live in the grace of Baptism and in the love…

We must not consider the display of sacred objects as something dismal and obsolete. Indeed, few things illuminate a house as much as beautiful candles, for example, with elegant and fashionable colours, or a beautiful picture representing the Holy Family, or the Nativity, perhaps in clay or wood with bi-laminate coating, bright and large prestige. Christmas decorations all year round are a way to make the home more beautiful and welcoming, but also to never forget that sense of sacredness and belonging to the love of God, which should warm our hearts not only during the Christmas period but in every single one.

So why limit the beneficial effect of Christmas decorations only to the holiday season? If we cannot leave the Christmas Tree and Nativity Scene on display all year round, because it would be a little excessive, nothing prevents us from choosing Christmas decorations that we can keep in our home also in the other months, as an expression of sacredness and devotion, but also simply as beautiful and personal items of furnishing.

Here are some proposals for Christmas decorations for the home suitable for Advent and Christmas, but also for the rest of the year, which you can find in our online store.

1. Sacred picture

A sacred picture is a decoration that adapts to any home and any time of the year. The subjects are innumerable, but as a Christmas decoration, it seems appropriate to suggest a representation of the Holy Family, which recalls the concept of the family nucleus, or better still of the Nativity. Both subjects are not purely Christmas-themed and will instil a sense of familiarity and warmth in your home throughout the year. They are also really nice furnishing accessories, like this Christmas decoration for the house in white refractory clay depicting the Holy Family. It is modest in size (10 x 10 cm), suitable both for hanging and as an ornament, thanks to the wooden support to be inserted in the back of the supplied product. The miniature, entirely handmade in artisan workshops, depicts St. Joseph and Mary raising the Baby Jesus to heaven. It is a depiction of the Holy Family stylised and hand-coloured with pastels. In particular, the yellow colour in the centre of the miniature emphasises the point where Jesus is raised, reproducing the Divine light. Complete with a certificate of guarantee, it is an object of value and exclusivity that will make your home more beautiful and welcoming during the holidays and beyond.

2. Yuletide Candle

Yuletide candles are synonymous with warmth and atmosphere. They not only illuminate the house during the holidays but also perfume it, with their unmistakable essences. You can find countless different models, in all colours and with gold and silver glitter decorations. The shapes are numerous: pine cone, pine, angel, sphere, Christmas tree. The colours can be very varied: not only the classic red but also browns such as parquet, silver, champagne colour, perhaps in the same colour as the sofa or the furniture of the house. But, as well as for the holidays, Christmas candles, thanks to the variety of shapes and colours, lend themselves to being excellent furnishing accessories even in other periods of the year. And in addition to splendid home decorations during the Christmas period, they are also suitable as a gift idea for the holidays. For example, this champagne-coloured Christmas candle, with elegant and very special colour, suitable for any style and any decor, enriched by a floral decoration made with glitter on a shiny background. An elegant accessory to decorate the house during the holidays, but also to give it a touch of class every day of the year.

3. Guardian angel bell

The guardian angel is a presence that accompanies us in every moment of our life. We are entrusted to him the very moment we are conceived when the soul is infused into what will become our body. The angel follows us throughout our existence and his pure and unconditional love protects us from evil, gives us the strength to face with courage the small and great difficulties that we encounter every day, preserving us from pain and when it is inevitable, it comforts and consoles us. So what’s better than keeping a Christmas decoration dedicated to the guardian angel at home? Its beneficial effect will continue even after the holidays, accompanying us and our loved ones every day. An object inspired by the guardian angel can be this pretty crystal bell with a wooden clapper in the shape of an angel. It is about 5 cm tall, carved and hand-painted with oil paints. An original object to give as a gift and a delicate decoration for your home.

4. Coloured Christmas window

Instead of the usual sacred picture, you may decide to decorate your party house with the reproduction of a stained glass window. In our store there are beautiful ones, in plexiglass, to make the effect of coloured glass real without the risk of excessive fragility. You can choose a subject that inspires you or you particularly like, perhaps something that is a good omen for your home and its inhabitants, because of the coming year. This coloured free-standing Christmas picture, in coloured plastic, measuring 18 x 3.5 cm, for example, depicts the stylised image of the rising Sun, an ancient and ever-present symbol of continuous renewal. The rising sun is the bearer of good luck, it symbolises light and heat and preserves mankind from cold and darkness, filling the house with happiness and harmony.

5. Candle holder in wood with raised tube-shaped edge

Still on the theme of light, in addition to candles, we propose this candle holder in wood with raised tube-shaped edge. It is a naturalobject that creates a delicate atmosphere, and not just at Christmas.