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Red leather Missal cover III edition fabric

Model: CU005038
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Red leather Missal cover III edition fabric.
The Missal cover was made in Italy in real red leather and fabric and measures 30x50 cm.Two icons have been recreated with gold-colored fabric.On the front, Jesus Christ is depicted half-length in a frontal position, with his left hand he holds the book of the Gospel open, and with his right he blesses the faithful.On the back, there is an icon of the Madonna holding the baby Jesus in her arms.The Missal cover inside is lined with red satin.The cover i...

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Red leather Missal cover III edition fabric.
The Missal cover was made in Italy in real red leather and fabric and measures 30x50 cm.Two icons have been recreated with gold-colored fabric.On the front, Jesus Christ is depicted half-length in a frontal position, with his left hand he holds the book of the Gospel open, and with his right he blesses the faithful.On the back, there is an icon of the Madonna holding the baby Jesus in her arms.The Missal cover inside is lined with red satin.The cover is suitable for protecting the 3rd edition Roman Missal.

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La custodia per il Messale è realizzata in vera pelle rossa. La combinazione di materiali conferisce un aspetto elegante. Le dimensioni generose, pari a 30x50 cm, sono state scelte per garantire una perfetta adattabilità al Messale (III edizione). Non crea troppo ingombro. è facile da collocare. La custodia è impreziosita da due icone significative. Sul fronte, è presente un'immagine emozionante di Gesù Cristo a mezzo busto, in posizione frontale, mentre tiene il libro del vangelo aperto con la mano sinistra e benedice i fedeli con la destra. Nel retro della custodia, troviamo un'altra icona: la Madonna che tiene tra le sue braccia Gesù bambino, aggiungendo un tocco di dolcezza e protezione. Da un tocco di eleganza e raffinatezza alla celebrazione liturgica. Confrontando il prezzo con altre custodie simili, il prezzo è ottimo.


Sehr gute Verarbeitung und gute Qualität. Sieht sehr schön aus. Die Ikonen überzeugen.

Veronica | 5/27/2024
They delivered it and I just opened it and everything is overwhelmingly gorgeous!!!!! The crosses...
Teddy | 5/20/2024
My delivery just arrived. Thank you for your lovely help, and the vigil lamps are perfect! I will...
Hamilton | 3/27/2024
Good afternoon, I just wanted to let you know that the order has just arrived safely, and is...